When your brand positioning is powerfully in place…
You're able to build a level of trust and credibility with just-right-for-you clients BEFORE you even talk to them.
Your clarity makes prospects feel confident about the value of what you offer, shortening the time it takes for them to buy and reducing buyer's remorse.
This confidence banishes any hesitation you had about charging whatever fees feel comparable to the level of awesome work you do.

Brand Positioning Essentials
Create Foundational Language to Attract Ideal Clients, Amp Up Your Value, and Be Their Obvious Choice
I created this resource specifically for coaches, consultants, and educators who are tired of being invisible and are ready for their expertise to shine.
Inside Brand Positioning Essentials you get:
- video training that covers foundational concepts and strategy for harnessing the power of positioning on your website, author/speaker bios, virtual introductions, and more
- a 20-page PDF full of real-world examples of effective brand positioning for coaches, consultants, and educators—both solopreneurs and companies with teams—that offers copy AND design inspiration
- 6 fill-in-the-blank writing scripts so you don't have to start from scratch
- a Google doc version of the scripts to make the writing process even easier

Plus! The Buyer's Journey Content Roadmap:
A framework to ensure you provide the right kind of information at the right time to confidently, naturally lead a potential customer to a purchase decision. With this roadmap you’ll…
- Understand what your prospective customer is thinking and feeling at each step of the buying process.
- Learn what sort of information will be most helpful to gracefully, naturally move prospects into the next stage.
- Get a list of guiding questions to help you create stage-appropriate content so you can give your prospect value without overwhelm.
- Know what types of marketing materials to have on hand at each stage so you can meet your soon-to-be customer wherever they are and gently nurture the relationship—without being icky, fake-y, or sales-y.

Feeling like you don't know where to start with your brand messaging? Lisa's training and scripts simplify the process so you have language to clearly convey the kind of impact you want your prospective clients to know about.

I had been struggling to define and tell people succinctly what I do and who I help even though I knew what I do. After using BRAND POSITIONING ESSENTIALS I had more clarity to profile what I do and who my ideal customer is. And with the help of the scripts and swipe file, I have been able to confidently create various versions of my brand positioning statement for my online profiles for my website, social media pages and I've already drafted my Author Bio in readiness for when I finally write and launch my book.