Learn how to create a heart-centered homepage (or single-page website) that clearly communicates warmth, credibility, and value to your ideal clients.
Copy Camp for Homepages is a virtual adventure through the wilds of website copy (first and foremost)—plus design and tech—for a powerful homepage that moves your ideal client into action.*
*relevant no matter what website software you use or in what stage your website is in (finished, in progress, or not started)
Entrepreneurs spend way too much time, money, and angst trying to build and maintain websites that don’t work.
My honest assessment after spending the last 17 years building and writing for websites for service-based businesses and nonprofits? A lot of expensive, useless crap out there.
You have mere * seconds * for your website homepage to communicate the relevancy and quality of your offers and exactly who they’re for.
If people don’t get it right away, they “bounce” (aka leave, at which point all the work you put into the other pages of your website doesn’t matter.)
That especially sucks if the people coming to your website are the kind of people you'd like to be working with, but they're bugging out because their impression is along the lines of "eh…" or "nope."
Most of the time what’s wrong has to do with the messaging, or the words on the page.
A lot of the time design and tech issues go messin' with your best efforts.
We’re going to get you all sorted out and on the right trail with copy, design, and tech in Copy Camp for Homepages.
Plus, you’re going to see how everything comes together for a brilliant homepage that can also be a single-page website—if you’re out of time, money, and patience for the whole she-bang (you see? brilliant! ☀️).
Whether you’re sans website, currently building one but overwhelmed or uninspired, or the website you have is way less cool than twerking on TikTok, Copy Camp for Homepages is for you!
Over the course of this workshop series you’ll learn…
- what critical components to include on your homepage, which ones are optional, and where they all should go
- how to quickly convey credibility and build trust so people feel comfortable taking action, even if they are coming to your website for the first time and don’t know you at all
- how to make a case for the importance of your offers so your ideal client can connect your outcomes with their priorities
- top ways to communicate your impact so people understand what’s in it for them
- how to let people know they’re in the right place so they hang out for a bit on your homepage and read through the content
- simple ways to avoid and reduce visual and technical friction that makes it unnecessarily difficult for people to engage with your content and take the next step
- design tips for the non-designer to make a good first impression and present yourself as a professional instead of a fly-by-night dandy hodge-podging an online presence
- what parts of the website to focus on for maximum impact when you’re limited on time and budget
- what to look for when choosing a website platform that will be a good match for your type of business so you don’t waste money on software and tools you don’t need or are overly complicated to use
Everything we dive into is applicable regardless of what website platform you're using or whether your website is finished or not even started.
Plus you’ll get access to…
- Real-world examples so you can see the copywriting elements in action
- The Copy Camp for Homepages Playbook with the high-converting homepage template, real-word examples for different industries and business types, and copy prompts
- A writing template so you know how to shape your words for your high-converting homepage
- Additional resources like the Brand Star Power Blueprint to help you with key aspects like your brand positioning which will in turn help you structure a head-turning headline
- A private online group (not on Facebook) for continued interaction and support
Feedback from Copy Camp for Headlines, the predecessor to Copy Camp for Homepages…

Camp Program
Basecamp — Foundational concepts of a heart-centered, high-converting homepage
Right Person, Right Place, Right Path — Headline Hook, Offers, and Calls-to-Action
Credibility- and Connection-boosting Content — Proof Points, Thought Leadership, and Micro-copy
Friction-free Flow — Good design practices, Mobile Considerations, Tech Basics
PLUS Design & Details with Kerstin Martin, Calm Business Educator – Late Bloomer Solopreneur – Squarespace Expert **
To further enhance your learning and application — Writing template, Brand Star Power Blueprint, Testimonials, and more
Everything we cover in CCH is applicable regardless of what website platform you're using or whether your website is finished or not even started.

About your camp counselor
Hi! I'm Lisa. As a brand messaging specialist with 23+ years of entrepreneurial experience, I use copywriting and design to help service-based professionals show up and sell like the high-value experts they are.
As head of Paraphrase Communications, we primarily work with coaches, consultants, and creatives in mid- to late-career transition who need to put their many years of expertise and experience into words that clearly communicate the value of what they’re doing now so they attract quality clients who’re happy to pay the fees they deserve.
I spent the first 18 years of my career as a graphic designer and creative director/owner of a design studio. While doing print and digital projects, I saw how often clients struggled with what to put on their websites, in their brochures, etc.—in other words, the words. So I dusted off my journalism degree (I was formally trained as a copywriter) and started helping them with their business writing—and if you're an entrepreneur at any stage, you know how much writing happens in business!
These days we take a messaging-first approach to develop the language you’ll need for your website—which happens to be the same language you’ll use elsewhere online and in real-life—produce key materials for your client attraction strategy, and help you master your message so you can rock your marketing. For more info and resources, you can check us out @ paraphrasecomm.com.