Learn how to write great headlines, titles, and subject lines to up your opens, get the opt-ins, and amp your offers
Headlines, titles, subtitles, subject lines… they’re simply the icing on the cake, a finishing touch to the masterpiece that is your email or article or program or sales page… right?
In fact, these tiny elements of text are the difference between getting opens, conversions, and the amount of revenue you make in your business.
Your content could be stellar BUT a boring email subject line, a blah headline, or a completely vague title for a lead magnet means all your hard work is getting ignored and deleted.
So join me for Copy Camp to skill up your writing chops so you get the opens, opt-ins, and thriving client base you deserve.
During Copy Camp For Headlines, you’ll learn things like…
- The biggest mistake you can make with your content and what to do instead
- How to come up with the core elements of any great one-liner so writing them becomes a no-brainer
- The easiest way to get the biggest ‘aha’ from your reader in 10 words or less
- Formatting and design tricks that increase readability and clickability
- How to modify your one-liners for different uses such as on your website, for a social post, an ad, etc.
Plus you’ll get…
- Real-world examples so you can see the copywriting techniques in action
- Fail-safe, fill-in-the-blank templates you can use right away
- Lifetime access to all the content, so you can revisit Copy Camp anytime you'd like
Get a taste of what is waiting for you at Copy Camp with this sample lesson:
Copy Camp For Headlines is an on-demand virtual adventure to finally find the words that will hook your audience like a good story shared ‘round the campfire.
Camp Program—what you’re going to learn:
Base Camp — Foundational concepts of copy that converts
- The biggest mistake you can make with your content and what to do instead
- The core elements of any great one-liner and how to find them so you can write good zingers nearly every time
- 2 copywriting rules to follow to ensure your content is always compelling and resonant
The Art of the Start — Email subject lines that pop the inbox
- 3 never-fail formulas for great subject lines
- What to do about emojis and personalization
- Words to avoid that make your email a sure-fire send to the spam folder
Naming and Claiming — Headlines, titles, and subtitles for offers, freebies, and other content that make them must-reads and must-haves
- The one thing that every title/subtitle pairing should contain to 10X your conversions
- The easiest way to get the biggest ‘aha’ from your reader in 10 words or less
- 3 other formulas that always work
Just Right Invites — Call-to-action buttons & links that get the click
- How to write outcome-based CTAs that make that click a no-brainer for your prospect
- Design tricks that increase conversions for buttons & links
- What to do immediately AFTER you get the click

About your camp counselor
Hi! I'm Lisa. As a copywriter and designer with 20+ years of entrepreneurial experience, I help service-based professionals look, sound, and sell like the high-value experts they are.
I primarily work with coaches, consultants, and creatives who are in mid-career transition, either out of corporate into entrepreneurship or making a pivot in their business. They’ve accumulated a lot of expertise and lived experience, but because they’re doing something new, their confidence is often low. This leads to a tendency to undercharge or work for free in order to “gain experience”—even when they’ve already proven themselves to be highly competent, committed professionals many times over.
In helping them define their brand positioning and messaging, my clients get clear about the real value of their work and become totally sold on their own offers (amazing how many people try to sell without truly believing in what they’re selling).
Once that happens, it’s magic! With words to communicate clearly and consistently combined with a solid belief in the awesomeness of what they’re doing, my clients easily attract people who are a match for their offers and happy to pay the fees they deserve. Ultimately this leads to ever increasing levels of joy and income in their businesses.