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Lead Magnet Launch

Get help with language and logistics for a powerful opt-in flow that builds a quality list (big or small) of people you’d love to work with

November 7 - December 7, 2023


Lead magnets, freebies, opt-ins…whatever you call them you know they can be an awesome way to demonstrate your expertise, provide value, and invite people onto your email list. 

You're sold on that part and you have the content to create a solid resource people will gladly sign up to get…

It’s everything ELSE that goes with itwhat to call it, the landing page, the thank you page, the welcome email, the emails that come after, and how the heck to put it all together between your website and your email marketing platform!—that has you stumped, overwhelmed, and/or frustrated.

Maybe you already have a great lead magnet except it’s not bringing you any LEADS. Like barely anyone is signing up for it and those who do are not the right people for you.

Maybe you’re running ads to this non-lead generating lead magnet and the money and time you’re spending to optimize and get your ad costs down feels like a pointless hamster wheel of effort.

Lead Magnet Launch is your ticket to develop and deploy a quality opt-in resource and email sequence that will attract ideal people and nurture them for deeper levels of engagement.


In this LIVE, guided experience you’re going to:

  • Understand the many types of lead magnets, figure out which format will work best for your content, and know how else you can use your lead magnet besides having people sign up to get it
  • Create or modify the lead magnet you’ve started so it’s one people actually want
  • Come up with a catchy title and write a compelling description so people immediately understand the value which will have more people opting in (must-meet goal numero uno if you're running ads)
  • Learn how to set up a friction-free opt-in form and landing page that doesn't accidentally turn off or turn away quality leads before they land on your list
  • Know what to put on a thank-you/access page and if you need an in-between confirmation page (and if you do, what to put on that page)
  • Learn what to write for a solid welcome email and the series of emails that follow (nurture sequence)


We’re going to cover all the tech stuff involved with putting everything together—lead magnet to email nurture sequence (often referred to as “top of the funnel”) between your website and email marketing platform.

☝️ The tech might be the part that trips people up the most, and I’ve got a roadmap for you of what to create when and how it all fits together. PLUS, the tech-perts on my team are coming in for special support in this area. Yup, we're taking you to Tool Town, folks, and it's going to be fuh-un!


Lead Magnet Launch covers the nuts & bolts of copy, content, structure, and tech for a high-converting freebie that can help you build a quality list of any size (size DOES NOT matter when it comes to success with turning subscribers into buyers).

Schedule & Format

November 7 - December 5

Each week there are two LIVE sessions, one masterclass and one Q&A which means PLENTY of opportunities to get practical knowledge, help, and accountability.

All sessions will be held via Zoom. All sessions will be recorded and available for replay for those who can't make it live.

WEEK 1: A Resource Worth Getting

1-hr Masterclass @ 4pm ET on 11/7

30-min General Q&A @ 12pm ET on 11/9

  • How to identify what makes for a great lead magnet and what will make the one you've got better
  • Messaging, messaging, messaging — what to call your lead magnet (titles and subtitles are SUPER important) and say about it (bullet points that hit true!)

WEEK 2: Easy Opt-in Process 

1-hr Masterclass @ 4pm ET on 11/14

30-min Tech Q&A @ 12pm ET on 11/16

  • Copy and layout for a high-converting landing page, confirmation, and thank you pages
  • Best practices for mobile

WEEK 3: The Nurture 

1-hr Masterclass @ 4pm ET on 11/28

30-min General Q&A @ 12pm ET on 11/30

  • Content structure for your welcome email and nurture sequence
  • Best practices for email marketing

WEEK 4: The Tech

1-hr Masterclass @ 4pm ET on 12/5

30-min Tech Q&A @ 12pm ET on 12/7

  • Putting it all together between web pages, email marketing software (i.e. ConvertKit, Kajabi, MailChimp, etc.), tagging, and automation

Extra help!

Because the tech side of lead magnets and emails is so…tech-y we’re holding two special Tech-focused Q&A sessions during Weeks 2 and 4 specifically for implementation support. 

In sum, your enrollment gets you access to:

4 LIVE masterclasses (and recordings for replay)
Tuesdays in Nov. + Dec. @ 5pm ET

4 LIVE Q&A sessions (and recordings for replay)
Thursdays inNov. + Dec. @ 12pm ET

Pop-up online group (not on Facebook) for extra touchpoints and feedback from your peers

Lead Magnet Blueprint (my guide of what components to build when for maximum efficiency)

Templates and swipe files for copy and layout for everything


About Lisa

Hi! I'm Lisa. As a copywriter and designer with 20+ years of entrepreneurial experience, I help service-based professionals look, sound, and sell like the high-value experts they are.

I primarily work with coaches, consultants, and creatives who are in mid-career transition, either out of corporate into entrepreneurship or making a pivot in their business. They’ve accumulated a lot of expertise and lived experience, but because they’re doing something new, their confidence is often low. This leads to a tendency to undercharge or work for free in order to “gain experience”—even when they’ve already proven themselves to be highly competent, committed professionals many times over.

In helping them define their brand positioning and messaging, my clients get clear about the real value of their work and become totally sold on their own offers (amazing how many people try to sell without truly believing in what they’re selling).

Once that happens, it’s magic! With words to communicate clearly and consistently combined with a solid belief in the awesomeness of what they’re doing, my clients easily attract people who are a match for their offers and happy to pay the fees they deserve. Ultimately this leads to ever increasing levels of joy and income in their businesses.


Is Lead Magnet Launch for you? 

Yes, this intensive is for you if…

  • You need a jump start, real-time help, and you don't mind a fast-paced-get-to-the-point process following my Direction > Decision > Done approach.
  • You have a pretty solid idea for you lead magnet.
  • Definitely if you have a lead magnet, but it’s either not set up for access yet, or it IS and you’re not getting any bites.
  • You’re running ads to a lead magnet and it’s not converting—for sure get in here!
  • Your goal isn't about building a big email list; rather you're looking for a way to gather people who might be interested in working with you and have a way to build rapport and stay in touch.
  • You have someone on your team (like a VA or designer) who’s ready to help you put everything together, but needs some direction and you don’t know where to start or have the time to micro-manage the process.
  • You don’t need a lead magnet for yourself, but you’re helping your clients with theirs—LML will be great for you!

No, if…

  • You’re not quite in business yet (there are other, far more important things to do).
  • You don’t have any clients or prospects yet (again, the time you’d spend with me in LML would be better spent doing market research and personal outreach).
  • You haven’t decided what sort of lead magnet you want to do or haven’t given the whole concept much thought—we're not going to spend much time at all on coming up with a good lead magnet. Lead Magnet Launch is for everything that comes after once you have an idea.
  • You don’t have time during these weeks to put things into action—you’ll have all the recordings and materials to refer back to, but you’ll get the most out of being able to put things into play so you can take full advantage of the Q&A time.
  • You're expecting me and my team to get into your specific website and email marketing platform (there will be an opportunity for that kind of support if you want it).